15 Ways to Burn 150 Calories Today!

Hey Everyone!

What’s up everyone?

Have you ever found yourself searching for ways to maximize work and time? Luckily, I subscribe to Everyday Health (you should too) and they posted a lovely article on 15 ways to burn calories! I felt compelled to share my favorite 10 ways with you because I know we are constantly having to balance work and working out.

Here are 10 ways to burn 150 calories (these are based on a 150lbs person):

  1. Biking- keep an aggressive pace, 14-16mph, for 14 minutes; keep a moderate pace, 12-14mph, for 17 minutes; or keep an easy pace, 10-12mph, for 22 minutes.
  2. Running or jogging- maintain a 8mph pace for 10 minutes; or keep a 6mph pace for 13 minutes; or jog for 19 minutes. 
  3. Lunch break gym workout- circuit training, weights, or other strenuous activity for 17 minutes; jump on the stair machine or aerobics class for 22 minutes; or jump on the elliptical for 24 minutes.
  4. Walking- (most leisurely) try a brisk pace for 35 minutes; a normal pace for 38 minutes; or a casual pace for 53 minutes.
  5. Swimming- sprint swim for 13 minutes; moderately stroke for 19 minutes; or do some water aerobics for 33 minutes.
  6. Fitness Classes- (my personal favorite) try some karate or kickboxing for 14 minutes; challenge yourself with Pilates for 22 minutes; or center yourself with yoga for 33 minutes.
  7. Dance- go on point with ballet for 22 minutes; jive with disco dancing for 24 minutes; kick up your heels in line dancing for 30 minutes; r elegantly ballroom dance for 44 minutes. 
  8. Yard Work for every season- break out the snow shovel for 22 minutes to clear your driveway; spade your garden for 26 minutes; push the lawn mower for 30 minutes; or enjoy the fall weather by raking leaves for 33 minutes.
  9. Home Projects- repaint a room for 27 minutes (I recommend you do this one until completion); fix up some odd repairs for 29 minutes; or wash windows by hand for 30 minutes.
  10. Everyday Housekeeping- scrub the floor for 30 minutes; dust or vacuum for 53 minutes; or iron clothes for 58 minutes.

So there you have it everyone, my favorite ways to burn 150 calories as recommended by Everyday Health! Check out the full “15 Ways to Burn 150 Calories” to check out extreme winter sports, team athletics, and many more which I didn’t include because I wanted to focus on things that didn’t require a lot of equipment and were easy to do.

Enjoy and feel free to comment with some of your own favorite ways to burn calories quickly!


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A Quick Look At Detox-ing


Here are a few great foods to help you cleanse your body and focus your next detox!

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Why You Shouldn’t King Size Your Halloween Candy

I’m going to make two assumptions with Halloween less than 24 hours away: 1) Halloween candy is delicious and oh so available that night 2) November 1st (or sooner) is the worst day due to sugar hangovers and remorse from candy binge eating.

One solution to this notion is to avoid all candy and Halloween altogether in the name of fitness and health; thus, not succumbing to the power of king size Hershey bars and candy corn enough to fill your entire kitchen table. But I highly doubt that will be effective, so I’m not about to suggest that.

I do want to share with you the reality that is represented in this infographic (pictured right), that Halloween candy is unbelievably high in calories and junk by itself, let alone when one compounds these treats on top of each other and concentrate them into one night!

I declare that in the name of having your sweets and keeping your body too, I went on a search for some great alternatives to help us all through this Halloween and its sugary antics.

First, I found this lovely article on Greatist.com that highlights “13 Healthy Halloween Recipes from Around the Web” including: festive fruit creatures, gluten-free cupcakes, and even a martini!

I also found an article on iVillage.com titled “10 Healthy and Delicious Alternatives to Halloween Candy,” which features chocolate drizzled bananas, honey popcorn balls, and many other tantalizing treats!

I highly encourage you to take this Halloween to beat the temptation of gobbling away all of your hard work this year nutritionally and exercise wise; and instead get creative with your treats and balance your indulging with some tasty new treats!

*all pictures are property of Greatist.com and iVillage.com

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Why Women Benefit from Weightlifting

Happy Sunday Everyone!

I came across this great article on Twitter during my rest day today, The Benefits of Weights Training for Women | The Have Your Cake and Eat It Diet:, and had to share it. As a woman, I can count all the times where I said no to the weight room and yea to the treadmill thinking it was a better option; however, after starting Crossfit and learning more (from reading articles such as this) about women lifting weights, I find myself picking up the bar and dead-lifting more and more!

Now I’m not at all insinuating that you leave the treadmill forever, in fact I think that mixing up your workouts or even combining them will also ramp up your results. But please consider this article the next time you walk into the gym and remember, those weights aren’t just there for the men!

If you have any questions or reactions, I would love to hear them and help you on your own personal journey to healthy fitness!

Enjoy your recovery day reading!


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10 Motivating Tips For Your Morning Workout


How many of you dread a morning workout and/or haven’t considered it since the days of being on a high school, club, or college team? Do you remember though how awake and energetic you felt the rest of the day once you pulled yourself out of bed?

There is significant reason as to why you felt that way and why you should go back to getting that workout in during the morning hours. Two major benefits with morning workouts include ramping up your metabolism and helping it burn calories longer (gotta love that). In fact, a recent study found that working out prior to breakfast reduces the likelihood of overeating. For more on the study check out this blurb from Everyday Health where I found these great tips to give to you!

Here are 10 tips that will help motivate you to rise early for that morning workout:

  1. Move Your Alarm Clock– placing it on the other side of the room forces you to get up to turn it off; ergo you have more chance to stretch, put on clothes, and head to the gym! (try switching to your favorite workout song rather than those annoying alarm presets)
  2. Get a Gym Date– plain and simple find a partner and plan to meet for the workout so that you feel bad if you let them down by hitting snooze, or become “that lazy friend who overslept.”
  3. Be Friendly- no partner yet? That’s okay,  make friends with the other “morning regulars” so you feel connected and accountable if you miss multiple days. (I do this with my yoga class, it works!) 
  4. Have a Concrete Goal- sit down and make your weekly workout schedule complete with goals. This reinforces that you’re going to wake up for that morning run or yoga or whatever and gives you something to work toward each week to analyze later.
  5. Create Your Workout Playlist– whether that be your smartphone, iPhone, iPod, Zune (do they make those?), everyone needs some solid music to get you in the mood to sweat. Listening to music can generate positive thoughts and distract you from feeling fatigued during your workout. Don’t forget your slow jam for your cool down!
  6. Do Your Prep Work- the night before, lay out your workout clothes and gear in plain sight so when you wake up you don’t waste time and you’ll remember that you have a commitment other than your pillow. Plus, your less likely to forget your sneaker if it’s already packed.
  7. Reward Yourself- don’t forget to reward yourself by doing something fun -preferably on your end of the week rest day- because you met your goal of working out early four times (whatever your goal) this week. It’s never bad to reward yourself for staying motivated.
  8. Tell Everyone Your Plans- post your routine on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, WordPress, anything to tell others what your doing. The reason being, if you post it then you’ll feel obligated to follow through and others will want to know about the results.
  9. It Won’t Become Easy Overnight- the first week or so will prove challenging because you’ll want to hit snooze and that’s okay (actually expected). Give your body time to adjust and reinforce your new routine because regular exercise actually enables your body to sleep better at night.
  10. Better Breakfast- it’s okay to grab something light and quick if you aren’t the person to workout on an empty stomach to give you that energy boost for the routine; however make sure your real breakfast follows the workout; this make breakfast more of a reward. But don’t go chow down on french toast swimming in syrup with a side of bacon. Choose something healthy and containing protein to promote muscle growth and a healthier, more satisfying meal.

So there you have it! Those are 10 Tips to motivate you for early morning workouts!

Personally, I try to workout twice to three times a day and I can honestly say that there is quite a bit to be said about getting that first workout in early in the morning. My typical workout week consists of Vinyasa Yoga every day from 8:00am-9:00am, and Crossfit in the afternoon five days a week (rest days are essential!). The point is, I noticed that by disciplining myself to get up for yoga gave me energy during classes (I’m a college student remember), and gave me the calm before the chaos of Crossfit.

highly encourage you to move your workout to the morning for a week and see if that doesn’t cause a big change in the way that you feel! Also, check out my Twitter to see more daily health tips from Everyday Health and others!

Source: http://www.everydayhealth.com/fitness-pictures/10-ways-to-get-motivated-for-your-morning-workout.aspx?xid=tw_everydayhealth_20111201_motivation#/slide-1

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How I Ignited My Fitness

I have always been an athlete and concerned with fitness, however coming to college and no longer being a three sport athlete caused my body to change in a not so positive way. I participated in intramurals and completed programs such as Insanity and P90X, as well as countless detox cycles, but nothing seemed to give me the results I yearned for or the look I desired.

Then my older brother introduced me to the Xyngular product line, specifically the Ignite Cycle. I saw his results and figured this might be the ticket to shaving off those love handles and reverting my stomach back to abs. I purchased the Ignite Cycle and my whole body changed dramatically.

At first friends told me that I didn’t need to lose weight because I was already skinny, but I was after a specific look and tone so I made a commitment to myself to see this through. The first couple of days were an awakening, as a college campus isn’t the most conducive for a strict eating plan, but I constantly reminded myself of the end goal and stuck to the schedule. Not only did Xyngular give me the 8-day meal structure to lose weight but Xyng gave me the energy to start studying yoga every morning and do Crossfit workouts with my friends. These in combination made my results skyrocket!

I took pictures on days one, four, and eight, and saw the proof in the images! I lost eight pounds after the first cycle and two inches off my waistline! However, I still wanted a more toned look, and thus started a second cycle three days after the first had ended.

This second cycle was much easier as I had a better handle on how much water I needed to be drinking (an incredible amount), the times when I should exercise, and also how to plan my days so that I could stay on track with the cycle and classes. It became a game to me to see the changes and my friends started to say they could see a drastic difference. All this encouragement really helped motivate me to keep up the fitness regiment and focus on myself and end goals!

Having completed my second Ignite Cycle I am extremely impressed with my results and never thought I would have the type of body I now do. I have lost eleven pounds leaned out, built an incredible amount of muscle, and lost close to four inches off my waistline in less than a month! I was never the type of person to be excited about my body, in fact I avoided mirrors and swimsuits; but the Ignite Cycles and Xyngular have changed my mind, body, and lifestyle!

Other programs worked but not in the same capacity and aren’t sustainable or natural like Xyngular, which I think is a large distinguishing factor. Furthermore, it taught me how to eat, what to eat, when to eat it, and changed my attitude towards strict regiments like these that I previously tried. I support Xyngular 100% and am ignited myself to help others feel the way that I do, and see their own body in a whole new way! Thanks Xyngular!”


If you want to experience the same transformation as I did listen to my older brother explain the ignite cycle! You can also request information here and afterwards check out the products here! I look forward to talking to you!

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Mmmmm I’m Going Nuts Over Nuts!

Disclaimer: Individuals with a nut allergy are advised not to try any of the following things; however there are minimal side effects to learning the benefits of nuts. Also, if you do have a nut allergy, scroll to the bottom of this graphic and check out the world of seeds!

With that said, I came upon a lovely inforgraphic via Greatist.com and it’s worth noting that these nuts and seeds are a great addition to your nutritional palette and serve as a wonderful mid day snack!


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Why You Should Be Taking Cinnamon Supplements!

Today I stumbled upon this quick article detailing 10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon. I have always taken cinnamon and rather enjoyed the smell, or on the occasional bagel with cream cheese, but I never realized the true benefits of cinnamon for one’s overall health.

Not only is it a great source of fiber, a blood sugar regulator, but it also contains high levels of antioxidants as found in an article published by Livestrong.com. Both articles outline the wonderful health benefits of adding cinnamon to your daily regiment of nutritional supplements. In fact, many people with Diabetes can benefit from this natural blood sugar controller as was found by researcher at the University of Hannover in Germany.

When trying to keep from indulging oneself in sweets, this is a great addition to the arsenal to balance behaviors and continue on the journey toward fitness freedom and feeling healthy!I personally have noticed that it helps with the digestion of sugary foods (always combined with a few shakes of Cheat) so that I am able to metabolize these foods while absorbing a fraction of the calories and still receive the satisfaction of a sweet treat. Adding this has been a great way to protect my body now as I’m in my twenties for when I am older and at higher risk for diseases such as, heart disease and diabetes. Remember, it’s all about prevention and discipline in order to reverse the current unhealthy trends sweeping through the US.

I definitely recommend running to your local grocery store or health food store and discovering the positive effects it has on your fitness! Did I mention these capsules are also not anything fancy so they won’t burn a whole through your wallet! That’s practically a steal in the name of wellness!


“Health Benefits of Cinnamon Supplements”, Kay Uzoma

“Health Benefits of Cinnamon Capsules”, Tara Carson

“10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon”, healthdiaries.com

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10 Reasons Why Men Should Practice Yoga

To all the men who believe that you have to “get your bro sweat on” or “hit the weights” if you want to look fit and healthy, I say have you considered yoga? This ancient practice links the body with the mind for a full body workout. This may sound stupid to some but I ask, have you tried it?

I used to think that yoga was for people who couldn’t handle an intense workout but I started taking yoga classes at my college rec center and wow was I wrong. More surprising than how challenging yoga is, I noticed the few men that were in the class were in very good shape. Thus I began to wonder why were there not more men toning and clearing their mind through yoga? The benefits to yoga in general are eye-opening, but hey this is for the gentlemen.

After doing more research I read two articles, “Ten Surprising Health Benefits of Yoga for Men” and “A Man’s Guide to Yoga” that supported my belief that more men should take up this ancient practice in order to promote their health. So gentlemen, here are ten reasons why you should set down the weights and pick up a mat:

  1. Yoga instructors aren’t Gurus– Most instructors are more like coaches treating these classes as workouts rather than prayer sessions taught by a guru.
  2. The back of the class is OKAY- Yoga is all about your personal journey and comfort level, which means that you can be in the back or front of the class and get the same workout… judgement free! Some instructors even tell their students to regularly change their mat placement (mine does)!
  3. You won’t go broke– Who needs weights and clunky machines when you can get a great workout with only a mat? I definitely recommend purchasing your own mat rather than using a loaner, but think of the overall savings!
  4. Yoga can lower blood pressure– While setting your drishti, multiple studies have found that practicing yoga lowers blood pressure more than medication! I don’t know about you gentlemen but a downward dog here and there sounds much better than a hospital bed and high blood pressure.
  5. Increase lung capactiy– Scientists comparing yoga and aerobic exercise determined that practicing yoga “enabled men to breathe deeper and longer at rates less than their maximums.” It’s like my instructor always says, “inhale deeply and exhale completely.”
  6. Alleviate lower back pain– A study of manual laborers done by doctors at Boston University found that those men who continued their yoga training were “managing back pain with lower doses of pain killers; and after 12 weeks, all yoga men were off Vicodin.” So stop popping pills and start perfecting poses!
  7. Build solid muscle– The premise of yoga is to leverage the forces of gravity and personal body mass to build solid, hard muscle. And because of the slow pace of yoga, your body uses all its muscles moving from pose to pose which decreases the risk of bruises, muscle tears, and torn tendons. Starting to sound more appealing than the weight room, don’t you think?
  8. Be a fat burning machine– Just because you aren’t out of breath after a yoga class, doesn’t mean you haven’t done an intense amount of work. In fact, research done by the Defense Research and Development Organization in India stated that “yoga burns about 80% more calories than mild aerobic exercise.” Thus begging the question, why work harder when you can work smarter, eh guys?
  9. Yoga makes you smarter- In Slovenia, medical researchers concluded that regular yoga practice increased “selective attention” by 17%! Basically, yoga helps men zero in on a problem and exercise good judgement for the rest of a man’s life (woman tip: use it to impress a woman by showing your attention to detail next time)!
  10. You’ll be better in bed- What man doesn’t want to be the King of the Sheets? Well multiple studies show that “practicing yoga is more effective that treatment with the antidepressant Paxil for treating premature ejaculation.”

There you have it gentlemen, the case for taking up a mat has been made. If that last reason didn’t put you over the top in favor of starting your own yoga journey, then REREAD THIS because I guarantee you that the combination of all the reasons just mentioned, you need to seriously check out the next yoga class schedule at your gym!


Galazka, http://www.menshealth.com/fitness/benefits-yoga?fullpage=true

Rister, http://www.steadyhealth.com/articles/Ten_Surprising_Health_Benefits_of_Yoga_for_Men_a2104.html?show_all=1

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Why Me?

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my Journey to Fitness Freedom. I started this blog in conjunction with Drop Weight With Kate so that I was holding myself accountable to my goals in becoming a healthier college student and promoting a healthier lifestyle in general. However, my true passion is to help other people, thus why I am including well… everyone in my journey!

I aim to engage other fitness and wellness enthusiasts with my journey and inspire others to share tips, tricks, and techniques with me that they have found useful in their own journey. Also, I want people to know that healthy living isn’t simply about hitting the gym or the latest diet, it’s a lifestyle that puts one on the path to fitness freedom!

If you want me to research any topics or specific areas or have feedback, please let me know! I am in the business of learning and helping others start their own journey!

I hope you enjoy and you might want to lace up your Nike’s, this is going to be a fun run!

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