Beast Mode Saturday Workout!

Hey everyone!

There’s nothing like a solid day of fitness and  switching up your workouts to ramp up that motivation. Today I’m doing two structured workouts and an all day workout to benefit the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital called Dance Marathon!

Workout one: an hour of Vinyasa yoga to warm up your body and center you for the rest of the day. Fun fact: today was the first day I successfully completed a headstand in class!

Workout Two: a 15 minute Crossfit AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) consisting of 5 tire flips, 10 pull ups, 3 toes-to-bar

Workout Three: As a student at Miami University we do many philanthropy events, one such being Dance Marathon. This is my third year participating and dancing for 12 straight hours to raise awareness and support for the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. The best parts about this workout are that it will work out soreness, dancing is a blast, and it’s for a great cause!

So get out there today, mix up your workouts, and don’t forget to drink your protein shake after!

About kateschumacher

I am a lighthearted, energetic individual who seeks out new adventures and strives to live a balanced and exciting life. I am a Marketing major with two minors in computer fields (Interactive Media Studies and Information Systems & Analytics), and a thematic sequence in Theatre at Miami University. More importantly, I love social media and engaging others, and I have an affinity for fitness and nutrition. Basically, I am intrigued by life itself and dedicated to soaking up as much of it as I can.
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