Top 10 Detoxing Foods to Splurge or Avoid

Hey Everyone!

I found this great chart to put into perspective 10 foods to avoid and 10 foods to help you with your detox! These are great additions to any meals and some make great snacks on their own! Check them out and remember that every little change makes a big difference!

What are some of your favorite healthy foods and how do you use them?

About kateschumacher

I am a lighthearted, energetic individual who seeks out new adventures and strives to live a balanced and exciting life. I am a Marketing major with two minors in computer fields (Interactive Media Studies and Information Systems & Analytics), and a thematic sequence in Theatre at Miami University. More importantly, I love social media and engaging others, and I have an affinity for fitness and nutrition. Basically, I am intrigued by life itself and dedicated to soaking up as much of it as I can.
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1 Response to Top 10 Detoxing Foods to Splurge or Avoid

  1. I have garlic and onion almost every day. I have a blueberry and almond milk smoothie almost every day too. It’s not on the top 10 list, but I eat a ton of spinach too. I have cut out all of the top 10 toxic foods (except for 1 cup of black coffee a day).

What do you think?